目的 研究脑面血管瘤病的CT征象。方法 报告脑面血管瘤病 6例 ,全部病例均有CT资料。 6例均有面部三叉神经分布区皮肤血管瘤及同侧颅内相关的病理改变。结果 CT显示患侧皮层钙化 6例 ,脑萎缩 5例 ,颅盖板障增厚 3例 ,侧脑室脉络丛增大 2例 ,增强扫描显示脉络丛明显强化。钙化灶周围脑回状强化 1例。结论 CT对脑面血管瘤病的诊断有重要价值。
Objective To study CT manifestations of encephalofacial angiomatosis. Methods 6 patients with encephalofacial angiomatosis were reported, they all had CT materials, facial nerves involving region of trigeminal nerve and intracranial abnomalities ipsilateral to facial lesion were found in all of them. Results On the affected himisphert, there were cortical calcifications in 6 cases, brain atrophy 5, cramial diploetic phominence 3, choroid plexus enlargement of lateral ventricles 2. On postcontrast CT, showed prominent enhancement of choroid plexus in 2 cases, and griform enhancement in the surrounding parenchyma of cortical calcifications. Conclusion The CT have important value for diagnosis of encephelofacial angiomatosis. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology