目的 :通过对司法精神医学专家委员会 (专委会 )鉴定案例的总结来分析司法精神医学鉴定中结论分歧的类别和原因。 方法 :对 6 0例专委会鉴定案例的社会人口学和各次鉴定资料 ,先以专委会鉴定和初次鉴定结论分歧的类别分组并对有关资料进行对照分析 ,然后对两次鉴定之间的一致性进行检验。 结果 :初鉴诊断为精神发育迟滞者 ,两次鉴定结论以基本一致居多 ,而器质性精神障碍与精神分裂症的两次鉴定结论以完全不一致居多 ;初鉴中人格障碍多为错误诊断 ;诊断有误多导致送鉴单位对结论的异议。 结论 :司法精神医学鉴定结论出现的分歧较多 (5 1.4% ) ,鉴定人员应不断提高业务水平 ,尽量减少失误。
Objective:To analyze the deviations or errors in forensic psychiatric expertise. Method:Socio-epidemiological and forensic expertise data of 60 reassessed cases were collected.Consistencies of diagnoses and legal capacity evaluations between different expertises were investigated. Results:High consistence was found in mental retardation,but not in schizophrenia,organic mental disorder and personality disorder.Deviations of expertises depended on psychiatric diagnoses and some subjective factors.Conclusion:There are relatively high rates of disagreement among various forensic psychiatric expertises,so improvigh academic level of forensic psychiatrists is the crucial task for decreasing the divergence in the future.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry