为了了解酒依赖与家庭心理因素的关系 ,本文对 1 4 2例酒依赖患者的家庭心理因素进行了调查。结果显示 :1 4 2例均为男性 ,年龄平均 52 .6± 4 .8岁 ,文化程度较低 ,酒依赖症状的轻重与年龄、个性、饮酒年限以及饮酒量有关。形成酒依赖的因素与家庭地位。
In order to understand relationship between alcohol dependence and family psychology factor,family psychologic factors of 142 patients with alcohol dependence were investigated.Result is that they are man,average age is 52.6±4.8 years,lower culture level,symptom degree of dependence relate to age,personality drinking number of years and capacity.Forming factor of alcohol dependence relate to family position,economic condition,family drinking alcohol hobby.
Health Psychology Journal