根据分布式环境下并行产品开发的特点 ,提出了项目管理系统体系结构的设计 ,采用图示化方法建立了项目任务流网络模型 ,同时对原型系统中各模块的功能设计进行了描述 ,保证了系统对产品开发过程中的任务流程进度进行正确的管理与监控 。
The system architecture of project management based on the characteristic of concurrent product development under distributed environment is presented. By the graphic method, the task-flow network model is built. The function design of each model from prototype system is described. The system can manage and control task-flow correctly in the process of product development and make that product development is consistent with desired goal.
国防科工委预研资助项目 !(18.4.2 .1)