知识查询和操纵语言是目前多代理系统中广泛采用的通讯规范之一 ,它规定了标准格式来支持代理间的实时通讯。本文介绍了KQML规范的内容和功能 ,并把KQML规范应用在基于多代理技术的船体装配CAPP系统中 ,圆满地解决了系统的通讯问题 。
KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) which is a protocol for exchanging information and knowledge, is widely used as an agent communication language. The paper presents KQML criterion and funtion, applying it into CAPP system of the hull assembly process based on multi-agent technology. Due to utilizing KQML protocol, the communication ability of the system is highly improved and its flexibility and stability are also enhanced.
国家 8 6 3/CIMS主题资助项目!(86 3-5 11-942 -0 10 )