GIS软件结构体系作为 GIS研究的一个重点 ,日益受到人们的重视。本文在简介Windows DNA结构体系后 ,提出了一种 GIS的软件结构框架 ,并详述该结构的逻辑组成及物理配置。这种结构的 GIS软件可以封装异构异地 GIS数据和快速的添加及删除 GIS功能组件 ,是快速开发 GIS软件的一个途径。
As a emphasis in the field of GIS,GIS software architecture is increasingly discussed.This paper introduces Windows DNA,then focuses on a framework of GIS software architecture.It's logical structure and real structure are also concerned.This kind of GIS software architecture can easily encapsulate difference structure and difference location data of GIS into a component and quickly add and drop a GIS function component. It is a shortcut to develop a GIS software.
Computer and Modernization