陶行知从教育的基本规律和其时中国的实情出发, 提出普及教育必须与民众的实际生活需要结合起来,必须与控 制人口增长联系起来,必须加强教育立法,必须因地制宜、 多途并举。这些思想对指导我们今天的基础教育仍具有非常强 的现实意义。
According to regular pattern of education and actual situation of china at that time,Tao Xingzhi adcanced the idea that the spread of education mu st be combined with actual demand of the people's life,with the control of the g rowth of the population;that education law be made and measures be taken to suit local condition,These thoughts still play a very important role in directing to day's actual practices of basic education. [
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education