南京是近年来国内报业竞争最为激烈的 几个地区之一。零售是南京报业竞争的一个主要方面。了解报摊的零售情况,对研究 南京报业市场有很大意义。通过调查,我们发现南京的报业竞争仍然停留在较低层次上。报 社间的竞争焦点还是价格、出报时间、版式等,而整体来说,南京报纸都存在信息量小的问 题。这反应了南京报业人员的素质和观念亟待改进。
The newspaper competition in Nanjing is one of mos t intense place in China. Retail is the main method of newspaper distribution. I n order to research the competition in Nanjing, we made an investigation at news paper sellers. From the investigation, newspaper competition in Nanjing still re main on the low lever. The difference between newspapers in Nanjing is price and time, information capacity of newspaper in Nanjing is not as big as the readers hoping.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)