市场是企业生存和发展的根本,企业必 须抓住市场这个“牛鼻子”来制定企业的经营发展战略。企业的经营已由产品经营发展到培 育品牌、经营品牌和创知名品牌的品牌经营。品牌是企业最重要的无形资产,品牌价值的大 小决定了企业在市场竞争中的地位。企业既要培育好自己的品牌,也要注意保护自己的品牌 。
Market is an essential factor for a company's deve lopment. The operation development strategy of a company should be market-orient ed. The operation of a company has been developed from product-centered to brand -centered. Brand is of a company's most important invisible asset. Brand value p lays an important role in competition. It is important for a company not only to create an excellent brand, but also to protect it carefully.
Journal of Radio & TV University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)