目的 :为经皮穿刺闭合房间隔缺损提供相关的应用解剖资料。方法 :解剖测量 5 0例 (男 2 9,女2 1)正常成年人心脏标本。结果 :卵圆窝长 (2 0 .9± 5 .4)mm ,宽 (14 .3± 3 .7)mm。卵圆窝中点距冠状窦口中点 (19.7± 4.1)mm ;距膜性房间隔 (2 2 .6± 3 .8)mm ;距三尖瓣隔侧瓣中点 (2 5 .1± 4.2 )mm和距主动脉隆凸底部的中点 (2 4.7± 4.2 )mm。卵圆窝中点距二尖瓣前瓣中点距离为 (19.9± 4.4)mm。卵圆窝缘的厚度在 12、3、6和 9点钟处分别是 (4.1± 0 .7)、(3 .2± 0 .7)、(2 .3± 0 .5 )和 (3 .3± 0 .7)mm。右上、下肺静脉汇入左心房的入口处水平距房间隔的距离分别为 (8.2± 2 .2 )mm和 (12 .4± 3 .8)mm。结论 :依据本文测量结果 ,经皮穿刺闭合房间隔缺损封堵器的厚度在 5mm左右 。
Objective: To provide anatomical basis for percutaneous closure of atrial septal defect.Methods: 50 adult heart specimens (29 male and 21 female) were dissected and measured.Results: The oval fossa was 20.9±5.4 mm long and 14.3±3.7 mm wide.It was 19.7±4.1 mm from the central point of oval fossa to the central point of coronary sinusal ostium, 22.6±3.8 mm to the membranous atrial septum, 25.1±4.2 mm to the middle point of septal tricuspid valve, 24.7±4.2 mm to the central point of the bottom of aortic eminence, 19.9±4.4 mm to the middle point of anterior biscuspid valve.The thickness of the edge of oval fossa was 4.7±0.7 mm at twelve o'clock point, 3.2 ± 0.7 mm at three o′clock point, 2.3±0.5 mm at six o′clock point and 3.3±0.7 mm at nine o′clock point.The distance between the atrial septum and the entrance pionts of right superior and inferior pulmonary veins were 8.2±2.2 mm and 12.4±3.8 mm respectively.Conclusions: It is suggested that the suitable thickness of the apparatus to close the atrial septal defect is about 5mm, and its elasticity must meet the changes of the thickness of atrial septum.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
Atrial septal defect
Applied anatomy
Oval fossa