目的 :研究糖尿病肾病结构与功能的关系。方法 :以定量学方法研究 2 4例糖尿病肾病患者肾活检光镜和电镜标本。主要参数为平均肾小球体积 (MGV)、系膜体密度 (Vv) ,肾小球基底膜面密度 (FS)、总滤过面积 (FS)、足突宽度 (FP)和肾小球基底膜厚度 (GBM)。结果 :年龄、糖尿病病程、血压、HbA1c与病理资料无显著相关关系 ,Ccr与FS相关 (r =0 .78,P <0 .0 5 ) ,Vv与Ccr反相关 (r=- 0 .6 6 ,P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :系膜增生在糖尿病肾病肾脏功能丧失中起重要作用。
Objective: The purpose was to study the relationship between structure and function in diabetic nephropathy. Methods: This study consisted of 24 patients with diabetic nephropathy. Renal biopsies were studied by light and electron microscopy. A quantitative study was performed. The main parameters obtained were the mean glomerular volume (MGV), the fractional volume of mesangium (Vv), the surface density of glomerular basement membrane (Sv), the total filtration surface (FS), the width of foot process (FP) and the thickness of glomerular basement membrane (GBM). Results: Age, diabetic duration, blood pressure, HbA1c had no significant correlation with pathological data ( P >0.05). There were significant correlation between Ccr and FS ( r=0.78, P <0.05), and Vv and Ccr were counterrelated ( r=-0.66, P <0.05). Conclusion: Mesangiun expansion plays an important role in functional deprivation of diabetic nephropathy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine