目的 :探讨部分脾栓塞术 (PSE)的临床应用。方法 :采用PSE治疗肝癌伴脾亢 (HCC -HS) 86例 ,其它继发性脾亢 (SHS) 2 6例 ,原发性血小板减少性紫癜 (ITP) 5例 ,其中 2 0例行 2次以上PSE。结果 :平均栓塞范围HCC -HS组为 36 %,SHS组为 6 0 %,ITP组为 74%,临床有效率分别为 84.8%、88.5 %、10 0 %。HCC -HS组因单次栓塞范围较小 ,约 2 0 .9%(18/86 )病人需行再次栓塞。全部病例均未发生严重并发症。结论 :PSE是安全有效的 ,可作为外科脾切除的替代疗法。
Objective:[WT5”BZ]To probe into the clinical application of partial splenic embolization(PSE).Methods:86 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma with hypersplenism(HCC-HS),26 cases of subsequent hypersplenism(SHS) and 5 cases of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) have been treated by PSE.[WT5”HZ]Results:[WT5”BZ]The average extent of embolization was 36%,60%,74% respectively,and the clinical effective rate was 84.8%,88.5%,100% respectively.Because of the extent of once embolization was small in the HCC-HS group,20.9%(18/86)patients would be treated again by PSE.No severe complication occurred in all cases.[WT5”HZ]Conclusion:[WT5”BZ]The PSE is a safe and effective therapy,and it could take the place of surgical splenectomy under certain condition as indicated.To decrease complication of postoperation of HCC-HS patients,the PSE could be carried out twice or more.
Journal of Medical Imaging