目的 探讨渐增负荷最大运动后的过量氧耗与血乳酸、血糖及氨基酸代谢的变化关系。方法 受试者为 10名男子健康大学生。采用活动跑台方法进行渐增负荷跑至力竭为止。结果 运动结束 30min,吸氧量恢复到安静水平时,血乳酸浓度仍比安静时水平高,运动中丙氨酸上升,运动结束 30min丙氨酸减少,但并未恢复到安静时的水平。结论 过量氧耗除用于血乳酸的消耗外,可能主要用于丙氨酸代谢中的糖新生。
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oxygen consumption (VO2) after recovery from incremental maximal exercise and the levels of the blood lactate (HLa), glucose and alanine metabolism. Method The VO2, HLa and plasma alanine were obtained using a modified version of Bruce's protocol 30 min after exhaustion for 10 men. Result The VO2 after recovery has returned to the pre- exercise, but the HLa concentrations and plasma alanine were significantly increased from rest to maximal exercise, and were significantly decreased thereafter, but remained above resting values for 30 min after maximal stage. Conclusion we conclude that oxygen consumption after exhaustive maximal exercise is related to glucose resynthesis through alanine metabolism, as compared with that from lactate metabolism.
Modern Rehabilitation