秦可卿是《红楼梦》中少有的几个“全始全终”的人物。她的一生扑朔迷离 ,令人难解。传统评论认为她是一个道德沦丧的人。《红楼梦》是揭示大清王朝社会生活的 ,《红楼梦》的正文多侧面地揭示了满族的历史文化 ,人物设置也往往体现着满族文化意蕴。如果把秦可卿看作萨满女神下凡 ,把她与公公贾珍、叔叔宝玉暖昧关系纳入萨满文化中民风古俗里去考察便不足为怪。秦可卿在书中有预示作用 ,是《红楼梦》
Qin keqing is one of the few characters who start well and end well.Her life is complicated and con fusing.Traditionally,she is regarded as a morally degenerated character,The purpose of the movel is to reveal the Social life of the Qing Dynasty.and the characterizat;on in the fiction also denotes the cultural implication of the Man Nationality