酒文化在我国渊源流长 ,汉画中反映汉代酒文化的画像甚多 ,主要画像有酿酒、沽酒、饮酒等。出现在画像中的常用酒具有壶、樽、卣、勺、耳杯等。酒令的种类有投壶、六博、猜拳等。酒的用途主要可分为自娱、待客。
The culture of wine has a very long history in China and there are numerous Han Dynasty Drawings showing the culture of wine in the Han Dynasty.The major portraits include wine-making,wine-trading,drinking,etc.The commonest wine utensils in the Han Dynasty portratis are pots,zun(wine vessel used in ancient times),you(an ancient small-mouthed wine vessel),scoop,quaich,and so on.Drinkers′wager games include pot-throwing,gambling,finger-guessing,etc.The aims can be divided into various types,such as self-entertainment,amusing guests,thanksgiving sacrifice to ancestors or gods(deities)and ceremonies to drive out epidemic diseases and evils