苏俄提出中共与国民党的“党内合作”政策 ,是为其推行“东方战略”服务的 ,完全是为了自己利益 ,不符合中国实际 ,是孙中山与共产国际代表直接磋商的结果 ,中共和国民党内部都反对这一政策 ,共产国际支持国民党 ,而共产党的活动受到共产国际的强迫和国民党的严格限制 。
The Soviet Russia put forward the policy of inner-party cooperation between CPC and KMT was to serve its “eastern strategy” which was only for the interest of its own,and which did not accord with China's conditions.The policy was the result of the talks between Sun Zhongshan and Comintern.Both CPC and KMT were against it.Comintern supported KMT but the activities were forced by comintern and stricthy restricted by KMT which resulted in the failure of the Great Revolution in China.