汉武帝即位之初 ,儒家学者同以窦太后为代表的黄老学派展开了针锋相对的斗争 ,双方由学术之争发展为对政权的争夺。建元元年冬十月 ,汉武帝下诏举贤良文学之士 ,结果所举之士被丞相卫绾全部黜退。这是窦太后对儒学改革人士的第一次打击。六月 ,汉武帝任命窦婴为丞相、田虫分为太尉 ,开始实行一系列改革政策 ,打击朝中保守势力 ,加强中央集权。建元二年冬十月 ,窦太后突然发动政变 ,将改革派人物全部黜退 ,政权重归保守派之手。建元六年五月窦太后死 ,汉武帝又罢免了全部保守派人士 ,正式开始了内改制度、外兴功业的有为政治。董仲舒上天人三策 ,为汉武帝所采纳 。
lmmediately after Emperor Hanwu asunded the throne,the Confucianists waged a tit-for-tat struggle against the Taoist school headed by Emperss Dowager Dou.The sturggle developed from academic dispute to scramble for political power.Later,the fight became fierce.After Emperor Hanwu accepted the suggestions by Dong zhongshu,the Confucianism became the ruling idea in the Han Dynasty.