综述了水不溶性聚合物杀菌剂 ,主要介绍了聚碘化合物杀菌剂、含氮水不溶性杀菌剂和含磷水不溶性杀菌剂 ,引用了近年来国内外研究人员在这方面的研究成果 ,也阐述了目前研制的产品仍存在的一些问题。聚碘化合物杀菌剂 ,具有杀菌谱广、效率高等优点 ,但它的余碘问题很难解决 ,尤其是在水中阴离子浓度较高或接触时间较长时更严重。目前研制较多的水不溶性含氮阳离子杀菌剂 ,一方面解决了现在普遍使用的水溶性杀菌剂的不足 ,另一方面还具有缓释、长效、可再生重复使用的优点 ,但杀菌活性和杀菌速率需进一步提高。含磷水不溶性杀菌剂 ,尤其是聚季 盐杀菌剂已显示出高效、快速和广谱的杀菌性能 ,但它们的制备条件苛刻 ,所制得的聚季 盐杀菌剂尚有一定水溶性需要解决。参考文献2
A review with 25 references about the recent research work of the polymer bactericides containing iodide complex was given. The insoluble bactericides containing nitrogen and the insoluble bactericides containing phosphonium were discussed with referencing the study results from domestic and abroad work. Some problems existing in present developed products were mentioned also. The polymer bactericides containing iodide complex have antibacterial characteristics of high efficiency and broad - spectrum, but released iodine is hard to be solved. It will become more serious especially in the solution with thick anion or long time contacting with the bactericides. The quaternary ammonium salt bactericides studied and developed recently can solve the inadequacy of the soluble bactericides largely used. They also possess the antibacterial characteristics of long effective, slow releasing and reusable for many times, but the bactericidal activity and the quickness need to be improved. The insoluble bactericides containing phosphonium, especially quaternary phosphonium salt bactericides have showed good antibacterial characteristics of high activity, high velocity, and broad - spectrum, but the raw materials and reagents for preparation are often difficult to be obtained. The present products are still water soluble in some degree.
Journal of Petrochemical Universities