客户 /服务器 (C/S)结构数据库的数据共享 ,带来很多DBMS必须面临的复杂问题。对多客户端同时访问数据库时的数据一致性控制问题已经得到了普遍的重视 ,然而 ,往往会忽略另一种引起数据不一致的情况 ,即客户机与服务器之间数据依赖关系紧密 ,需要实时进行交换的应用系统中 ,当客户机与服务器间的网络连接出现异常 ,这种交换暂时无法进行时 ,就会出现数据的不一致 ,造成系统数据错误。在客户 /服务器结构数据库模型的基础上 ,讨论了客户机与服务器之间网络连接异常时存在的数据交换的安全性问题。提出了针对不同情况应采取的策略 ,通过实例 。
Data sharing in client/server database structure brings about many complex problems which DBMS must face to. Among them the data integrity control problem arisen form simultaneous database accesses by several clients has been paid much attention to. However, people often ignore the other situation in which data inconsistency will occur, that is, in the application system where exists close data dependency between client and server, needing real time data exchanging between client and server, when abnormality happens in network link; the data exchanging can not be processed temporarily. The data inconsistency will occur and system error will be made. The data exchanging security problem brought by abnormal network link-between client and server has been discussed based on the C/S database model. The strategies that should be adopted for different cases have been put forth. And the concrete solutions have been given by exemplifying.
Journal of Petrochemical Universities