开发CLIENT/SERVER (客户 /服务器 )模式的MIS应用软件 ,应兼顾CLIENT与SERVER之间的关系 ,最大限度地发挥它们各自的优势 ,提高软件的可维护性和运行效率。首先分析了CLIENT端与SERVER端的功能 ,然后对它们的功能的交叉区域进行探讨 ,最后提出了在数据库表设计、程序设计、安全性设计、并发控制及事务处理等
In order to utilize the merit of CLIENT and SERVER as far as possible, and to improve the maintenance and executive efficiency of the MIS software, the relation between CLIENT and SERVER should be considered in developing a MIS application software based CLIENT and SERVER. This paper analyzes the functions of CLIENT end and SERVER end firstly, then discusses the cross area of their functions. Finally, was the basic methods in five aspects, put forward such as table design, programming, security design, parallel controlling and transaction processing.
Journal of Fushun Petroleum Institute