在钒基催化剂上考察了助剂铯、铜、铊的引入对制取对叔丁基苯甲醛的反应性能的影响,并用扫描电镜、ICP等技术对其进行了表征。实验结果表明添加助剂铯后,目的产物对叔丁基苯甲醛的选择性提高,而对叔丁基甲苯的转化率影响不大;添加铜后对反应活性和选择性提高都有利;添加铊后的催化剂反应性能更优于添加其它助剂,获得了转化率大于12mol%、选择性大于80mol%的好结果,该催化剂稳定运转365 小时后催化性能保持不变,是一种很有工业应用前景的催化剂。
In this paper, the effect of different promoters on the vapor phase selective reaction of p-tert-butyl toluene to p-tert-butyl benzaldelyde has been studied. The catalytic properties of the V-Cs-Cu-Tl Catalyst are also tested. The SEM, ICP technology is applied in the study to investigate the surface composition of the catalysts. In the results it is found that the selectivity of p-tert-butyl benzaldelyde increases with the Cs adding but the conversion of p-tert-butyl toluene effects stightly. However the additive Cu is advantage to both the conversion and the selectivity. On V-Cs-Cu-Tl Catalyst the excellent result that conversion of p-tert-butyl toluene and the selectivity of p-tert-butyl benzaldelyde reach above 12mol% and 80mol% respectively is gained. After runing 365 hours, the catalyst still possesses good catalytic ability. So this research has achieved some novelty and originality.
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry