自从七十年代中期结构编辑技术问世以来,迅速得到了计算机软件界的重视,并取得了不少可喜的成果。进入八十年代以来,结构编辑技术更是硕果累累。如美国Cornell 大学的CPS 系统,Wiseonsin 大学C.N.Fischer 等人的Poe 系统,Carnegie-Mellon 大学的GNOME 系统等都已达到了较高的水平,并投入了教学应用。然而,即使是这些高水平的系统,作为软件开发工具来使用它的计算机厂商或软件公司仍很少见到。换句话说,目前的结构编辑技术,离开真正实用化的阶段,仍有一段距离。作者根据正在进行的“C 语言结构编辑程序”课题中所获得的一些经验,对结构编辑技术未能达到实用化的原因作了初步的分析。在此基础上,提出了一些能使结构编辑程序更加实用化的措施,以及实现它的若干技术关键。
Since structured editors emerged in the middle of 1970's,many softwaredevelopers have paid much attention to it,and some results have been obtained.Thisfield has been quite fruitful since 1980.In U.S.,CPS-developed at Cornell University,Poe-developed by C.N.Fischer at Wisconsin University,and GNOME-developed atCMU,are well known in university education.Nevertheless,these well developedsystems are not yet practically used by computer manufacturers and software eompaniesas software development tools.In other words,the current state of the structuredediting technique is not close to practical use.By the author's experience in dealing withthe project“C structured editor”,this paper analysed the reason“why the structuredediting technique have not became pracical yet?”,and based on the analysis,somemeasures which makes structured editors more perfect to practical use,and the pointsof its implementation are propsed.
Computer Applications and Software