迄今为止作为现代先进的计算机监控系统——分散控制系统还没有在核电站中被广泛应用。岭澳核电站常规岛部分大胆使用先进的 P32 0分散控制系统作为其主要控制手段 ,在国内引起了广泛的关注。本文主要介绍了P32 0分散控制系统的结构、工作原理、通讯。
Up to now, the DCS, as a kind of modern advanced computer monitoring system, has not been widely used in nuclear power station The first adoption of P320 DCS as main control process in the conventional island of LingAo nuclear power station is widely concerned This paper mainly introduces the structure and working philosophy, communication of P320 DCS and its operation in LingAo nuclear power station, as well as its defects
Guangxi Electric Power Engineering