我国民诉法关于无独立请求权第三人制度的规定过于原则 ,以致理论和实务中分歧众多 ,影响了法律实施的统一 ,更损害了案外人的合法权益。对无独立请求权第三人诉讼地位、参诉方式、民事责任承担三个问题进行粗浅探讨 。
Stipulations of third party having a limited title in china's Civil procedure law is so abstract that there is great divergence between legal theory and legal practice,as well as the unity in enforcing regulations is affected,even the legitimate interests of irrelevant parties to the litigation are damaged.This article attempts to present an outline of the status,the modes of intervention and the civil obligations of third party having a limited title.The intention of the article is to do some benefits to civil legislative action and judicial practice.
Hebei Law Science