本研究把传统家庭制度父权、父居、父系作为分析框架,通过对三个地区 调查 结果的比较,发现调查地区经济发展对妇女地位和性别偏好产生了各自不同的影响。在 经 济有一定的发展,但性别分工对妇女更加不利的调查地区,传统家庭制度保留,性别偏好 很强;而在有些经济获得高速发展的调查地区,妇女收入增加使她们的家庭地位得到很大提 高,随着家庭制度发生变迁,性别偏好弱化。
:With the patriarchy, paternal domicile and paternal line in the fami l y system as its framework of analysis, this article, through a comparison of th e results of investigations in three areas, discovers that economic developmen t has produced different effects on women's status and gender favoritism in t h ese areas. In places where economic development has been attained to a certain d egree but the division of labor between the sexes has placed women in an even mo re disadvantageous position, the traditional family system has been kept int act and gender favoritism aggravated; whereas in places where economic developm ent h as progressed by leaps and bounds, the increase in women's income has grea tly en hanced their status in the family, the family system has undergone notabl e chang es and gender favoritism has been weakened.
Journal of Chinese Women's Studies