对 1979~ 1988年中国出口广告进行了实证分析 ,得出一些值得注意的结果 :(1)在 1979~ 1988年这十年间 ,将产品介绍作为主题的广告比例减少了 ,而将品牌优越性作为主题的广告比例增加了 ;(2 )比较式广告开始出现于一小部分广告中 ,其目标主要是中国竞争者而非外国竞争者 ;(3)虽然品牌提示式广告开始得到使用 ,但其数量极少 ;(4 )在此期间 ,中国出口制造商开始更多地由自己做广告 ,而减少对中国外贸公司的依赖 .同时 。
This article is focused on the empirical study of the export advertising in China between 1979 and 1988, and raises some interesting points that deserve attention. In the period of the decade, (1) the proportion of advertising with product description as the theme decreased, while that of advertising with brand advantage as the theme increased; (2) comparative advertising appeared in a small portion of advertisements aimed at the Chinese competitors rather than foreign rivals; (3) brand indication advertising started to be used, though it was very limited; (4) the Chinese manufacturers started to do more advertising themselves during the period, and thus reduced their dependency on the Chinese foreign trade firms. In the article, the authors also discussed some weaknesses in Chinese export marketing.
Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science