Objective This stUdy evaluated the effects of amiodarone on the myocardial repolarization in patients with atrialfibrillation. Methods QT intervals and QT dispersions measured from 12-lead standard surface ECG was retrospectively assessed in48 patients treated with amiodarone, and compared with that of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and health groups. Results No disparityin QT interval and QT dispersion was found betWeen paroxysmal atrial fibrillation group and health group (QT: 405 ±44 vs 397± 30.QTc.448 ± 47 vs 424 ±26, QTD: 29 ± 17 vs 27 ± 16, QTcD: 28 ± 19 vs 26 ± 18, P>0.05), however, compared with these two groups,we tbund the QT interval and QT dispersion both significantly increase in amiodarone grouP(QT: 465 ± 53 vs 405 ± 44 or 397 ± 30,QTc. 499±54 vs 448±47 or 424±26, QTD: 47±20 vs 29± 17 or 27± 16, QTcD.49±21 vs 28±19 or 26±18, p<0.01).Conclusion Amiodarone can effectively control atrial fibrillation with QT interval prolongation and increase of QT dispersion.
Journal of First Military Medical University