提出了一个测定氧合配合物中钴含量的分析方法 ,对常见类型的氧合配合物按其累积生成常数的大小和氧合反应的可逆性分类 ,根据不同的类型采用不同的分解方法处理后 ,用 EDTA滴定 ,用二甲酚橙和孔雀绿作混合指示剂 ,可明显地改善滴定终点 ,消除原有配合物本身颜色和原有配体的干扰 ,使滴定终点灵敏、准确 ;对实际样品的氧合配合物中钴含量分析结果与 AAS结果作了对照 。
A new analytical method for determining Cobalt in oxygenated complexes is studied in this paper. After the samples of oxygenated complexes are decomposed, the sample solutions are titrated with EDTA. Xylenol Orange and Malachite Green are used as a mixed indicate, Which can improve obviously the endpoint and can eliminate the interference of coexisted ligands and colour of coexisted complexes. The results of this method are agreed well with those obtained by AAS.
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