由于脑内黑质 纹状体系统中缺少多巴胺 (DA)所致的帕金森病 (PD)为慢性进展性疾病。对帕金森病尽早诊断和及时治疗的意义 ,在于能够延长患者的可工作时间和提高生存质量。增加DA能系统的活性 ,有三种途径 :即DA替代疗法 ;促进DA神经元末端释放DA和阻止DA的降解代谢 ;应用DA受体激动药。一些作者主张在PD的早期先用DA能受体激动药 ,不但使“左旋多巴长期综合征”的出现延迟 ,并且可防止左旋多巴或其代谢产物损害DA能细胞和迟滞病情发展。应用DA受体激动药有利也有弊。介绍了常用和新型的DA能受体激动药的特点。
Parkinsons disease (PD) caused by the defic iency of DA in the substantial nigra-striatum system in the brain is a chronica lly progressive disease. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment PD can prolong wor k time and improve life quality of the patient. There are three primary approach es to increase activity of dopaminergic system: vicarious treatment to compensat e DA; promote releasing DA in nerve endings of dopamine neurons and to prevent d ecreasing DA metabolism, as well as application of agonists that stimulate dopam ine receptors. Some specialists suggest that application of dopaminergic agonist s in the initial stage can not only delay the occurrence of syndrome on side eff ects with long-term use of levodopa, but also prevent the damage of dopaminergi c cell caused by levodopa or its metabolite, and delay the development of PD. Th ere are positive and adverse effects with DA agonists. This paper discussed the usage and side effects of classic and new dopaminergic agonists.
Herald of Medicine