目的 :初步建立血浆内毒素定量检测模式 ,提出健康人群血浆内毒素正常值及内毒素血症诊断参考值。方法 :用稀释加热法排除血浆干扰 ,以弃G因子鲎试剂在BET 16细菌内毒素测定仪下检测被试者血浆内毒素水平 ,并将结果与临床病原微生物培养比较。结果 :该法强化内毒素回收率 5 0 %~ 15 0 % ,符合美国FDA 1987年版要求。在临床感染 91例患者中 ,内毒素血症 3 7例 ,全部分离出 >1株的G-杆菌 ,其余 5 4例血浆内毒素正常的患者中 ,只有 5例分离出G-杆菌。结论 :该法快速 ,简便 。
Objective: To establish a routine for quanti ta ting endotoxin in blood plasma and determine the reference value of endotoxin in blood plasma of healthy subjects for diagnosis of infectious diseases. Method: The confounding influence of blood plasma was eliminated by dilution and heating. The level of endotoxin in plasma was measured with the BET-16 measuring equipment of bacterial endotoxin by using limulus lysate G fa ctor and compared with to pathogenic microorganism results. Results: The assay can potentiate the endotoxin recovery rate by 50%-150%. S ymboling FDA 1987. of the 91 cases examined, 37 cases were with endotoxemia and more than 1 gram-negative bacteria isolates. The other 54 cases were with norm al level of endotoxin in plasma, of whom only 5 cases were with gram negative ba cteriaisolates. Conclusion: The assay was simple, sensiti ve and quantitative. The method was effective in the determination of gram negat ive bacterial infection and endotoxemia.
Herald of Medicine