通过将彩色图像转化成数字图像 ,应用二值图像的腐蚀和膨胀运算 ,实现了彩色图像的去噪。数值实验的结果令人满意。此外 ,给出了不同结构填充元素对同一幅彩色图片进行去噪得到的不同结果。通过实测证明这种方法是有效。
A new method to remove noises from colour pictures is introduced. A colour picture is transformed into a digital image, which helps remove noises from binary images. Then the Method of Erosion and Dilation of a binary image is applied to remove noises in the binary image. The results of experiments are satisfactory. In these experiments, different structuring elements are designed to remove the noises in one colour picture. The method has proven to be feasible and effective.
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