该项研究的目的是为了提高快速实时自动控制系统的在线故障诊断能力。介绍了一个基于模式识别的故障在线诊断系统 ,并结合一个电力电子电路故障诊断实例说明了该系统的具体实现。针对采用软件实现时在线诊断能力不强的缺点 ,提出了一种软硬件相结合的方法 ,以提高在线诊断能力。重点讨论了实现这一方法的专用波形采集卡的结构和功能 ,以及相关的技术处理措施。实验结果表明 ,该方法思路正确 。
An on line fault diagnosis system based on pattern recognition is introduced, which helps improve the on line fault diagnosis for a real time automatic control. The composition and working principle of this system is detailed. A specific waveform sampling card is used in this system and the structure and the function of this card are described. It is shown that this system can diagnose faults without any failures.
湖北省"九五"重点科技研究资助项目! (95 1P0 10 3 )