买方市场的形成 ,一方面给消费者带来了实惠 ,另一方面也严重困扰着国民经济的发展。因此 ,必须正确分析我国当前购房、家用电器、通讯工具、子女教育、旅游等消费热点 ,采取增加城乡居民收入、优化供给结构、改善消费环境、发展消费信贷等措施 。
The formation of the buyer's market, on the one hand, brings about material benefit, but on the other hand, it also seriously harrsses the development of national economy. So, the consumption focuses such as buying houses, electric appliances, comimunication tools, children's education, tourism etc should be analysed into correctly and measuves to increase people's income, better the supply structure, improve consumption surroundings, etc to draw the growth of economy.