[背景 ]探讨胆囊息肉样病变的诊断及手术指征 .[病例报告 ]对 6 4例手术切除的胆囊息肉样病变的病理资料和临床资料进行分析 ,其中非肿瘤性息肉 6 0例 ,肿瘤性息肉 4例 ;肿瘤性息肉均为单发 ,直径大于 10mm .[讨论 ]单发、直径大于 10mm、合并结石的胆囊息肉样病变应予以治疗 。
BACKGROUND*!To determine which polypoid lesions of the gallbladder (PLG) should be operated on and what means should be used in its diagnosis. *!CASE REPORT*!Analysis was performed for the clinical and pathological data obtained from 64 cases of resected PLG. Out of 64 cases of PLG, 60 cases were non neoplasm and 4 cases were neoplasm. Tumorous polyp tended to single and was more than 10*!mm in diameter. *! DISCUSSION *! The PLG that is single and more than 10*!mm in diameter or complicated with cholelithiasis should be operated and the non neoplasm without the clinical symptom should be followed up periodically.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University