[目的 ]探讨非手术方法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效 .[方法 ]将 98例腰椎间盘突出症患者分成腰痛组和腿痛组 ,前者采用骶管阻滞加严氏椎间隙阻滞法 ,后者采用骶管阻滞加腰大肌肌沟阻滞法 .[结果 ]两组治疗前后分值相比较均有显著性差异 ,其优良率分别为 88%和 84% .[结论
OBJECTIVE*!To explore the efficacy of non operative methods to treat lumbar disc herniation.*!METHODS*!98 patients of lumbar disc herniation were divided into lumbar pain group and leg pain group.The former were performed by caudal block plus Yan's intervertebral block, while the latter were performed by caudal block plus psoas compartment block.*!RESULTS*!There was significant difference between the score before and after treatment in two groups. The excellent and fine rate was 88% and 84%, respectively.*!CONCLUSION*!Caudal block plus Yan's intervertebral block or psoas compartment block were adopted to treat lumbar disc herniation with significant efficacy.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University