目的 前瞻性研究老年人群冠心病死亡与常见危险因素的关系 .方法 驻西安市部队干休所男性离休干部 12 6 8名为研究队列 ,自 1987年起对常见冠心病危险因素 (烟酒嗜好、血压、血脂水平、家族史等 )及死亡情况进行 10 a随访 .结果 单因素分析示吸烟、负性生活事件、高血压病史是老年男性冠心病死亡的危险因素 ,相对危险度 (RR)分别为 :2 .2 7(1.6 3~ 3.0 2 ) ,2 .31(1.12~ 2 .5 7) ,5 .5 0 (3.18~ 7.0 4) . Cox风险比例模型分析示吸烟、负性生活事件、年龄入选 ,高血压病史、心血管病史、心血管病家族史、冠心病史、胆固醇和三酰甘油水平未能进入模型 .结论 在老年人群中 ,吸烟、高血压等常见冠心病危险因素亦是冠心病死亡的主要危险因素 .
AIM To study the relationship between coronary heart disease (CHD) normal risk factors and CHD death in old men. METHODS A cohort study was performed in the last ten years. 1268 men older than 55 were selected as the cohort. Baseline investigation included demographic characters, smoking, drinking, negative life event, history and family history of hypertension, blood pressure and serum lipid level. Every other year, changes of risk factors and death were recorded. RESULTS By univariate analysis, it was suggested that smoking, negative life event and hypertension had positive associations with CHD death. Relative risks (RR) are 2.27 (1.63~3.02), 2.31 (1.12~2.57) and 5.50 (3.18~7.04) respectively. When other risk factors were adjusted in Cox risk ratio model, there were significant relationships between smoking, negative life event and age and CHD. CONCLUSION Some normal CHD risk factors also have significant effects on CHD death on this cohort.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
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