常规 (或称重力 )流化床体系中 ,树脂在介质中所受的重力与介质的密度成反比 ,而反向 (或称浮力 )流化体系中 ,树脂在介质中所受的浮力与介质密度成正比。因此 ,反向流化床体系更适合高密度的介质。论述了反向流化床连续逆流离子交换设备研制的背景 。
The background of development of the reverse flow fluidized bed apparatus,the relationship of the parameters and the results study of the resin particles fluidization characteristics for the reverse flow fouidized bed are described. The gravity of resin in pulp is used mainly for the ordinary fluidized bed,but the floatation of resin in pulp is used mainly for the reverse flow fluidized bed.Therefore the floatation fluidized bed is more suitable to high density mediums.The pulps containing≥40% solid content may be let to pass through it.Otherwise the pulps containing<8% solid content may be let to pass only for the ordinary fluidized bed.
Uranium Mining and Metallurgy