将模拟退火法应用于注射机合模机构运动行程的最大化设计研究 ,以运动行程为目标函数 ,肘杆断面尺寸、肘杆起始与最终位置为设计变量 ,约束条件为强度、稳定性、锁模力。应用模拟退火算法进行运动行程的最大化设计是可行且高效的 ,可在工程结构优化设计领域中推广应用。
A new optimum technology,simulated annealing(SA),which can solve the motion displacement of closing model optimum problem was introduced.The target function is the motion displacement of closing model ,there are three kinds of constraint which are strength,stability,closing model load.A refined form of SA (tempering annealing with memory function)was applied in the structural optimum design of elbow rod of injecting engine in this paper and the ideal and reasonable result was obtained,which shows that SA is feasible and effective and can be used in other engineering optimum design field.
Structure & Environment Engineering