浏览器 /服务器技术是计算机信息技术的一大突破 ,它已被应用于信息管理领域。本文结合高校财务电算化的发展与应用现状 ,介绍了基于浏览器 /服务器模式的南京航空航天大学财务数据库应用系统的设计与实现。该系统是根据高等院校新财务制度研制开发的 ,具有一定的实用价值。
The technology of Browser/Server(B/S) is an important breakthrough in computer information technology. It applies in information management. In this paper, A financial system which is suitable for new financial rules of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautucs is introduced. This system gives an example of Browser/Server application system. This financial system has great practical value and is worth to apply.
Aeronautical Computing Technique