目的 探讨外伤性白内障的CT表现和诊断价值。材料与方法 3 7例经临床和手术证实的 3 8只外伤性晶状体混浊 ,术前均施行轴位CT扫描 ,其中 3 3只外伤性混浊晶状体进行CT值测定。将外伤性白内障晶状体与对侧无白内障晶状体的CT表现进行对照分析。外伤至CT扫描时间为 3小时~ 2 6天。结果 3 3只无外伤性晶状体CT值平均为 114 .6± 6.4HU ,外伤性混浊晶状体CT值平均为 78.1± 9.1HU ,二者统计学上差异有显著性 (t =6.741,P <0 .0 0 5 )。外伤性白内障除密度降低外 ,尚可有大小和形态上的改变。结论 CT是发现外伤性白内障的有效方法 ,尤其适用于复杂眼外伤和前房混浊等而临床上确定外伤性白内障困难的患者。
Objective To study CT manifestations of traumatic cataract and their diagnostic value.Materials and Methods Preoperative axial CT scanning was performed within 3 hours~26 days after trauma in 37 patients (38 lens) with clinically and surgically proved traumatic cataract. CT value was measured in 33 cataractous lens as well as in the contralateral non cataractous lens. CT findings of cataractous and non cataractous lens were compared.Results The mean CT value of cataractous and non cataractous lens was 78.1±9.1HU and 114.6±6.4HU, respectively (P<0.005). Besides, traumatic cataractous lens also showed some certain changes in size and shape.Conclusion CT is an effective examination in detecting traumatic cataract, especially for patients with complicated eye trauma, marked swelling of facial soft tissue or anterior chamber cloudiness, for them the clinical diagnosis is difficult to be made.
Journal of Clinical Radiology