自 198 0年以来 ,随遗传学理论的进展和新的实验设备和技术的不断出现 ,遗传图经历了从第 1代限制性片段长度多态性遗传图、第 2代短串联重复遗传图、到第 3代单核苷酸多态性遗传图的演变和发展 ,使得遗传图的信息含量不断增加。目前 ,除了单核苷酸多态性位点的开发仍在进行之外 ,遗传图的绘制工作可以说已经完成。这标志着遗传图已全面进入应用阶段 ,并日益成为“功能基因组计划”不可或缺的工具。本文综述了遗传图的发展 ,简要介绍了由 3种遗传标记为骨干构成的遗传图、以及它们各自的优缺点。概述了遗传图在实际工作中的应用领域 ,并重点综述了遗传图应用于连锁分析时应注意的几个问题 ,尤其是遗传标记的选择、交叉干涉现象对连锁分析的影响。
Since 1980, with the development of genetic theories and emergence of new experimental equipment and techniques, genetic mapping has undergone three phases, from restriction fragment length polymorphism, short tandem repeats, to single nucleotide polymorphisms. The content of in the genetic map becomes more and more informative. So far, the mapping work has nearly ended, however, the effort to explore new SNPs locus still continues. The genetic map has begun to serve other research purposes and has come to be an indispensable tool to fulfill the 'functional genome project'. In this review are introduced the development of genetic map and the genetic maps constructed with three groups of main genetic marker. Based on these is a summary of the usage of genetic maps and some problems that deserve attention in the use of genetic map, such as the choice of genetic markers and the affection of chiasma interference.
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
CMB基金项目!(96- 636)&&