
生物力学在脊柱器械研究中的意义 被引量:1

Biomechanics evaluation of spinal instrument
摘要 近年来 ,脊柱器械的生物力学特性已经成为新器械的研制和对比研究中的一项重要内容。本文综述了生物力学实验的类型、意义和方法 ,并对实验模型。 At present,it is necessary to evaluate the biomechanics characteristics of the device when a kind of new spinal fixation device has been designed and manufactured as a prototype and compared the results of different dvices with each other.A retrospective study was performed on its kind,method,purpose of biomechanical testing,detailed testing models,testing measurement and testing analyses.
作者 伦保国 周跃
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2001年第1期64-66,共3页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
关键词 脊柱 内固定器 生物力学 spine internal fixators biomechanics
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