分析了新型活化重晶石PF-BARA的表面改性机理,活化重晶石改善其在钻井液中动力稳定性及钻井液流变性的机理,评价了活化重晶石PF-BAR A的各项性能。PF-BARA适用于淡水、海水及饱和盐水钻井液体系。与以前的活化重晶石相比,PF-BARA不仅具有原活化重晶石具有的抗高钙、高盐的能力,而且抗高温能力进一步提高,适应高密度钻井液的要求,使密度为2.1g/cm^3的钻井液在210℃条件下仍具有良好的流变性能。
This paper investigates the main performances of a new activated harite PF-BAR A. and analyzes its surface modifying mechanism and how it improves the dynamic stability and rheological property of the drilling fluid. The barite is suitable for using in various drilling fluid systems, such as fresh water, sea-water and saturated brine system. As compared to the conventional barite, other than the calcium and salt resistance, it can also be used in high temperature environment and in high density drilling fluid. The high density drilling fluid of 2. 49 g/cm3 still achieves good rheological property in 210 C .
Drilling Fluid & Completion Fluid