用均匀设计与调优软件进行实验方案的设计 ,并用分区间优化方法进行实验结果的优化。考察了能在界面上形成复合物的乳化剂对乳状液的稳定化作用 ,以及非离子表面活性剂间的协同作用 ,并得到了稳定性较好的乳化剂配方。最佳乳化剂配方为 w (脂肪酸 ) =78.1 % ,w ( Tween 80 ) =1 1 .2 % ,w (三乙醇胺 ) =4 .5% ,w ( Tween 2 0 ) =3 .3 % ,w (苯酚 ) =2 .9%。加入量为乳化油总质量的 0 .0 9%时 ,可使油水质量比为70∶ 3 0的油包水型乳化重油在 85℃下稳定 5d以上 ,常温下稳定 1 a以上。研究结果表明 ,乳液稳定性与重油性质密切相关。
Uniform Design and Optimization Software were used in design of the experimental plans for selecting emulsifying composition for heavy oils and good results were obtained by partition optimization. The stabilizing effects of the components which could regularly arrange on the surfaces of the emulsion droplets and the synergic effects between the nonionic surfactants were investigated. The optimum formula of the emulsifying composition is w(fatty acid)=78.1%, w(Tween80)=11.2%, w(triethanolamine)=4.5%, w(Tween20)=3.3%, w(phenol)=2.9%. When the total emulsifier added is 0.09% weight of the oil emulsion,a W/O type heavy oil emulsion with m(oil)∶m (water)= 70∶30 was obtained. The emulsion stability is higher than 5 day at 85 ℃ and one year at ambient temperature. The results also showed that the emulsion stability of heavy oils from different resources is dissimilar.
Speciality Petrochemicals