经济发展是发展经济学研究的重要内容 ,也是各国在政策制定中所要考虑的中心问题。在所有关于经济发展的分析中 ,强调资本积累因素是最富影响 ,也是最为持久的。在我国西部大开发战略提出后 ,如何推动我国西部地区经济发展已成为理论界和实业界共同关心的问题。对此 ,在分析经济发展中的资本积累的贡献的基础上 ,指出了西部地区在资本积累方面落后和不足的现状 ,并提出了当前加快西部地区资本积累 。
The economic development is a main content in the research on development economics,and a centre question to be considered in the policy decision in each country.To stress on the factor of capital accumulation is the most influential and most lasting in all the analyses of the economic development.After the strategy for the western development of China advanced,how to push the economic development in the western areas of China has become a common concerned issue in the circles of theory as well as industry and commerce.This paper,on the basis of the contributions of capital accumulation in the economic development,points out the backward and deficient situations in capital accumulation in the western areas,and suggests some policies on quickening the capital accumulation and pushing the western development of China.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute