网尉(散白蚁)Reticulitermes广布于北半球,已知85种,我国仅占其80%。初步查明,在我国北自丹东,经北京、西安至西藏南部一线以东均有分布,其中两广、福建、湖南和四川数省尤为丰富。陕西适值大西北和东南交汇之带,现经20余年在省内的调查表明,网尉在秦岭南北两侧可造成不同程度的危害,并包含有若干特有种类和一些常见种的变异类群。本文现记述秦岭南、北各一新种。并将分布在关中平原的一新种命名为周氏网尉Reticulitermes choui,以表达对周尧教授的敬意。
In this paper,two species of the genus Reticulitermes are described as new from Shaanxi Province. Their comparisons with close species are given as in the following. Reliculitermes choui is named in honour of Prof. Chou Io, Chief Editor of Entomo-taxonomia. All measurements are in millimeters. All the type specimens are kept in the Northwest University and Guangdong Entomological Institute.Reticulitermes choui Ping et Zhang, sp.n.The soldier of the new species has a distinct U-shaped cpioranial suture, with discernible eyes spots, right mandible with a crenulation below middle and it is closely related to R. labralas but comparatively smaller in Size, it has a light-coloured head and a labrium with well-developed paratorminal hair by which it may be easily distinguished from all the other members of the genus.Type series: Ⅰ.No.E9796. Holotype soldier, paratypes soldiers and workers. Baoji (34.3N, 107.3E), collected by Zhang, 1984-Ⅷ-8 in stump.Paratype series: Ⅰ. No. E9798. Paratypes soldiers and workers. Zhouzhi (34.1N, 108.2E). collected by Zhang, 1986-Ⅳ-8 in stump of Populus sp.