茎蝇科(Psilidae) 为双翅目无瓣蝇类(Diptera,Acalyptratae) 中的一个小科,世界已知仅百余种、广布各大区。我国过去由Hendel(1913,1933),Henning(1940)等记载过5属10种,大多为台湾省的,有2种则分布于甘肃南部;陕西省此科无记录。我们近年开展了茎蝇科的分类研究,已记述了十多个种;本文根据北京农业大学的收藏又增加陕西省的二新种,模式标本均保存在我校的昆虫标本室。
1. Chamaepsila huashana , sp .n.(fig .1,2)Holotype , allotype , paratypes 2 , 2 , Shaanxi Prov. Mt. Hua-shan, 1962-Ⅷ-21, Yang Chi-kun.Allied to Ch. magna Shatalkin, but smaller and darker, scutellum with 2 marginal setae only.2. Chamaepsila qinlingana, sp.n.Holotype (?), Shaanxi Prov., Mt. Qinling, 1961-Ⅷ-5, Yang Chi-kun.Chaetotaxy as the above new species (Ch. huashana), but much larger and the antennae with different color.The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of the Beijing Agricultural University.