The northern Xiangxi lead-zinc ore zone is located in the southern part of Sangzhi synclinorium, more than 100 km long, about 50 km wide. Mineralizations are distributed extensively in the ore zone,and are controlled by stratigraphic, structural and lithological factors.There are 7 ore-bearing horizons in the sequence from Haozituo Group of Upper Cambrian to Dawai Formation of Lower Ordovician. The plunging crown of NE trending anticlines, NE trending faults, interlayer fractures and the secondary NW cross anticlines are the ore-controlling structures of the deposits. Obvious silisification occurs in the ore-hosting horizons, and Pb, Zn, Cu become obviously rich in the silisified bodies, reach 66, 32, 8 times respectively the contents in the corresponding strata, and the Sr/Ba ratio is 0.60.The ore-barren silisified bodies contain Pb,Zn, Cu near or a little more than the strata, and the Sr/Ba ratio is as high as 1.15. The top ore-bearing horizon of Honghuayuan Formation of Lower Ordovician in the southern wing of Shanzipo anticline, the northeastern end and southwestern plunging crown of Hongyanxi anticline and the Yanjing anticline are the targets for ore prospecting.
Hunan Geology
Lead-zinc deposit
Criteria for ore prospecting
Target for ore prospecting