本文用比色法测定山楂原花色素 (Proanthocyanidinsfromthefruitsofhawthorn ,HPA)的抗氧化作用 ,即对羟自由基、超氧负离子的清除作用以及抗脂质过氧化的作用 ;并且通过细胞学实验验证其对上皮细胞的抗氧化损伤的保护作用。试验表明 :山楂原花色素有很强的抗氧化作用 ,其作用在浓度为 0 .1mg/ml~ 1.0mg/ml之间随着浓度的增大而增强 ,对超氧负离子的清除和抗脂质过氧化作用尤为明显。在浓度为 1mg/ml时 ,对羟自由基和超氧负离子的清除率分别为 5 9 8%和 90 0 % ,对细胞氧化损伤的保护率为 41 96 % ;浓度为 0 5mg/ml时对脂质过氧化的抑制率就达 91 9%。试验同时还比较了葡萄籽原花色素 (Proanthocyanidinsfromthefruitsofgrape,GPA)和VC 的抗氧化作用 ,结果表明 :山楂原花色素与葡萄籽原花色素效应相当 ,并远远高于VC 的效应。
We chose the spectrophotometer method,simple and convenient,to study the antioxidant effects of proanthocyanidins from the friuts of hawthorn(HPA),including the scavenging effects on hydroxyl radicals and superoxide aninon radicals and the inhibition of the peroxidation of polyunsalurated fatty acid.We also studied the protective effects of HPA on hydrogen peroxide induced injury in epithelial cells(here we used NRK cells).The results indicated that HPA had the antioxidant effects in a concentration dependent manner within the range from 0.1 mg/ml to 1.0 mg/ml.The scavenging effects on oxygen radicals and the inhibition of the peroxidation of polyunsalurated fatty acid were especially notable.The rate of scavenging effects on hydroxyl radicals and superoxide aninon radicals by HPA 1.0 mg/ml were 59.8% and 90.0% respectively,and the rate of protective effects on those cells was 41.96%.While the rate of inhibition of the peroxidation of fatty acid was 91.9% by HPA 0.5 mg/ml.Compared with Vc and the proanthocynidins from grape(GPA),we could see that it had almost the same effects with GPA but significantly higher than Vc.
Natural Product Research and Development