目的 了解普通外科感染的菌种变迁和耐药情况。方法 分析 1993年 6月至 1997年 7月我院普通外科感染患者送检细菌培养阳性的 5 5 7例。结果 分离革兰阴性 (G-)菌 38种 10 45株 (71 4% ) ,其中除最常见的大肠埃利希菌外 ,阴沟肠杆菌的检出率明显增高 ,列第 3位。革兰阳性(G+)菌 8种 418株 (2 8 6 % ) ,金黄色葡萄球菌和表皮葡萄球菌分别占第 1、2位 ,粪肠球菌列第 3位。阴沟肠杆菌和粪肠球菌系多重耐药菌种。细菌的药敏测定表明 :G-菌的敏感药物多为氟喹诺酮类或第 3代头孢菌素类药物 ;对G+菌抗菌活性较高的则是万古霉素、利福平等。
Objective To investigate the changing spectrum and antibiotic resistance of the pathogenic bacteria isolated from general surgical infections.[WT5”HZ]Methods [WT5”BZ] The relevant bacterial materials from 557 patients with general surgical infection from June 1993 to July 1997 were investigated.[WT5”HZ]Results [WT5”BZ] 1 045 strains in 38 species of gram negative bacteria and 418 strains (8 species) of gram positive bacteria were isolated with a negative over positive rate of 71 4% to 28 6%. For gram negatives, E coli was the most common, and enterobactor cloacae ranking the third was on a dramatic increase from isolations. Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidemidis were the most common gram positive species followed by enterococcus faecalis. Enterobactor cloacae and enterococcus faecalis are multi antibiotic resistant bacteria. The result of drug susceptibility test showed that gram negative bacteria were sensitive to fluoroqinolones or third generation cephalosporins while gram positive bacteria were sensitive to vancomycin and rifampicin.[WT5”HZ] Conclusion [WT5”BZ] This study showed that the rational application of antibiotics is very important to suppress the spectrum changing and antibiotic resistance of the bacteria.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery